

2001-09-04   Announce: dvbstream 0.1

RTP multicast DVB transport streams

Dave Chapman writes:

With the recent threads about software decoding and networking of VDR, I decided to revisit and release my "DVBstream" application.

This is based on the "ts-rtp" package from It includes a couple of bug fixes to that package and the ability to stream live from a DVB card.

You can download dvbstream from The license is the GNU GPL.

After tuning to a transponder, you run dvbstream as follows:

dvbstream pid1 pid2 ... pid8

On the client, use the included dumprtp utility to receive selected PIDs from the multicast:

dumprtp pid1 pid2 > received.ts

It would be straightforward to write a client based on dumprtp that sends this transport stream back to a DVB card on the client for hardware playback. I haven't had any success reliably playing back a TV stream in software (i.e. without any A/V corruption). This may be due to my use of a 10Mbit/s LAN.

However, using the mpegtools with the driver, I have performed problem-free audio-only decoding by doing:

dvbstream vpid apid

dumprtp | ts2pes vpid apid | pes2aud_es | mpg123


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