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Revision as of 10:53, 6 December 2004 by Monroe (talk | contribs)
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This script marks a recording for the burn-plugin by placing the file burnmark.vdr into the recordings directory.

# burnmark.sh - v.0.2
# add this lines to your reccmds.conf:
# folgende zeilen in die reccmds.conf eintragen:
# Mark for DVD-Writer : /usr/local/bin/burnmark.sh -add
# Delete Mark         : /usr/local/bin/burnmark.sh -del
# history
# --------
# 20041206,randy: added osd text for deletions

case "${1}" in
       touch "${2}/burnmark.vdr"
       if grep -qs "^OSDLanguage = 1" /etc/vdr/setup.conf ; then
           echo "Die Aufzeichnung wurde markiert..."
           echo ""
           echo "Bitte wechseln Sie nun in das Menü DVD-Brenner, oder markieren Sie weitere Aufnahme."
           echo "The recording was marked..."
           echo ""
           echo "Please change now into the DVD burner menu, or mark further recordings."
       rm -f "${2}/burnmark.vdr"
       if grep -qs "^OSDLanguage = 1" /etc/vdr/setup.conf ; then
           echo "Die Aufzeichnung wurde aus der Warteschlange entfernt."
           echo ""
           echo "The recording was removed from the queue."
           echo ""