
From VDR Wiki
Revision as of 23:15, 30 November 2004 by Monroe (talk | contribs)
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The NrKbd patch improves the text input to VDR via the remote control. It uses a technique similar to the one used by mobile phones.


Keypresses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Key Rot Grün Gelb Blau
1 - _ ( ) + ? $ & §
2 A B C Ä
3 D E F #
4 G H I ~
5 J K L %
6 M N O Ö
7 P Q R S
8 T U V Ü
9 W X Y Z
0 Lerrzeichen , . * ! ; :

Hardware requirements

Software requirements

  • patch

Applying the patch

If the patch is compressed you have to unpack it bevor

gunzip patch

Now you can install it with

patch -p 1 < /path/to/patch

Note, VDR has to be recompiled now, see VDR installation.



[1] Announcement