VDR distributions

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VDR can be based on every Linux-Distribution. Normally the best way is to take a well-known Linux-Distribution and install VDR. But there are a few special VDR-Distributions:


Here's some basic facts about the most popular VDR-Distributions

Distribution LinVDR c't VDR (german computer magazin) Mulimidix HelAu VDR GeexBox VDR inside
Languages De De / En ? ? ? ?
Version 0.6 2.06 0.7 ? ? ?
Date 23.03.2004 ? 08.06.2004 23.08.2004 ? ?
Based on Self-made (minimal-Debian) Debian LFS Gentoo ? ?
Kernel 2.6.4 2.4.24 2.4.25 2.6.6 ? ?
VDR-Version 1.2.6 (Elchi and some Patches) 1.2.6 / 1.3.11(Elchi, AC3, pip) 1.2.6 ("Komplettpatch") 1.3.6 ? ?
Online-Update debtool apt-get own Script emerge for Gentoo Ebuilds ? ?
Developer-Tools (Compiler etc.) optional via debtool optional via apt-get included included ( + emerge ) ? ?
Specials 32 MB Download, ca. 80 MB on Disk installed, no need to know Linux can be updated (via apt-get) to a complete Debian Live-CD can be build Live-CD
included VDR Plugins:
alcd-plugin no - yes
analogtv-plugin no yes,
but ivtv (PVR-cards) has not been patched
but analog TV support via Freevo
no ? ?
audiocd-plugin - (cdfs) - yes - 0.0.5
bitstreamout-plugin - - yes - 0.50a
browser-plugin yes - 0.1 patched - yes - 0.1
calendar-plugin yes - 0.1.2 0.1.4 / - yes - 0.1.4
clock-plugin yes - 0.0.4 0.0.4 / - yes - 0.0.4
console-plugin yes - 0.5.1 0.5.1 / - yes - 0.5.1
control-plugin ? 0.0.1 / - yes - 0.0.1
dsmcc-plugin ? - yes - 0.3.0
dv-plugin - - yes - 0.0.2a
dvd-plugin yes - 0.3.4-rc10 0.3.4-rc10 / 0.3.4-rc10 yes - 0.3.4rc10
dvdselect-plugin - 0.7 / - yes - 0.4
dxr3-plugin optional (3rd-party) 0.2.2 / - yes - 0.2.2 (untested) no ? ?
femon-plugin yes - 0.0.3a 0.0.6 / 0.1.4 yes - 0.0.2c
freecell-plugin 0.0.1 / -
games-plugin yes - 0.6 0.6 / 0.6 yes - 0.6
graphlcd-plugin yes - 0.9.1 0.1.0 / 0.1.0 yes - 0.0.7
image-plugin yes - 0.0.5 0.0.8 / - yes - 0.0.7b
joystick-plugin - - yes - 0.0.3
kathreinlcd-plugin - - yes - 0.0.1
mailbox-plugin yes - 0.1.6 0.1.6 / - yes - 0.1.6
mediamvp-plugin optional 0.1.2 / - yes - 0.0.11
mhp-plugin - - yes - 0.0.3
mlcd-plugin - - yes - 0.0.3
mp3-plugin yes - 0.8.3 0.9.3 / 0.9.3 yes - 0.8.3
mp3oss-plugin - - yes - 0.8.0
newsticker-plugin - 0.0.3 / - yes - 0.0.3
osdpip-plugin yes - 0.0.4 0.0.5 / 0.0.5 yes - 0.0.3
osdteletext-plugin yes - 0.3.2 0.3.2 / 0.3.2 yes - 0.3.2
pilot-plugin ? 0.0.4 / - yes - 0.0.5
powermate-plugin - yes - 0.0.1
prefermenu-plugin - 0.5.4 / - yes - 0.5.4
pvr350-plugin - 0.0.2 / - ? ? ? ?
remote-plugin yes - 0.2.1 0.3.1 / 0.3.1 yes - 0.2.1
rotor-plugin - 0.0.6 / 0.0.6b yes - 0.0.5
scanner-plugin - - yes
screenshot-plugin - 0.0.4 / 0.0.5
serial-plugin yes - 0.0.5 with OSD-Patch - yes - 0.0.5
sleeptimer-plugin yes - 0.4 0.4 / - yes - 0.3
softdevice-plugin - - yes - 0.0.5
statusleds-plugin - - yes - 0.0.7
stream-plugin ? - yes - 0.1.1
streamdev-plugin yes - 0.3.1 0.3.1 / - yes - 0.3.1
text2skin-plugin - / 0.0.7
timeline-plugin yes - 0.8.1 0.8.1 / - yes - 0.8.1
transfron-plugin - - yes
tvonscreen-plugin 0.5.1 / -
tvtv-plugin yes - 0.1.6 0.1.6 yes - 0.1.6
vbox-plugin yes 0.5 / - yes - 0.5.0
vcd-plugin yes - 0.0.6c 0.0.6c / - yes - 0.0.6c
vdrc-plugin - 0.0.8 / - yes - 0.0.8
vdrrip-plugin - 0.3.0 / 0.3.0 yes - 0.2.0a
weather-plugin yes - 0.2.1e 0.2.1 / - yes - 0.2.1e
xine-plugin - - ??? - 0.4.0
xineliboutput-plugin - - ??? -
xvxine-plugin - - ??? -
x11out-plugin - ? ??? - 0.0.1


Distribution LinVDR c't VDR Mulimidix HelAu VDR GeexBox VDR inside
ACPI-Wakeup yes, Full-Featured-Karte needed - - - - -
Nvram-Wakeup ? ? ? ? ? ?
- - - yes - -
ivtv Driver
Support for PVR Karten
? 0.1.9, but not patched for analogTV ? ? ? ?

Structur of the Distributions

The structur of the Distributions means everything between the start and the end of the VDR, the paths, directory-structure for executeable programms, scripts and a viarity of config-files. Names, paths may defer from distribution to distribution.

| c't VDR | LinVDR | Mulimidix | HelAu VDR | GeexBox | VDR inside |


[1] http://www.linvdr.org/wiki/index.php?pagename=Dokumentation LinVDR Wiki
[2] http://www.htpc-forum.de/forum HTPC-Forum (german Forum for Mediaportal etc.)