EVGA inDtube

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A hybrid ATSC USB 2.0 device by Evga.


This device supports ATSC (i.e. OTA Digital TV) and analog NTSC. The package includes a small telescoping monopole antenna and a short USB extension cable, a remote control, and a connector to svideo or composite video inputs.

Components used:

  • (tuner & analog demodulator)
  • (digital demodulator)
  • (video decoder)
  • Empiatech em2883 (USB bridge and analog audio)


The device identifies itself as a "eMPIA Technology, Inc" and the subsystem information provided by lsusb -v is ebla:2883.

Making it Work

This tuner is very difficult to get to find channels when scanning OTA ATSC. There is a thread about getting it to work which isn't very helpful at http://www.digitalhome.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=134023



Analog Audio Issue

Sample kernel output

Remote Control Support

MythTV Recognition

External Links

ATSC USB Devices