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[linux-dvb] Repost: VDR 0.72 extension that allows vdr to play mp3 play lists.

There must be some kind of size limit on the list.
I posted this before, but it never showed up.
OK, I have cut off the patch and the new files.
Mail me off-list if you want them.



some people asked me for it, so here it is: a
VDR 0.72 extension that allows vdr to play mp3 play lists.

It is nothing fancy, it simply allows you to select a
list to play. During replay, you can push "forward" to
go to the next song in the list. The OSD (and video)
are off during replay to save your TV tube. ;-)

I define a mp3 play list to be a plain text file that
contain a lists of absolute paths, one per line.
As an extension for play list files, my code looks
for *.pls anywhere under the /video directory.

find /mp3/Jethro_Tull -type f -name '*.mp3' -print > /video/playlists/Jethro_Tull.pls
creates such a list.

Apply the following patch and drop the two additional
files into your vdr 0.72 source directory and recompile.

Use the latest driver from the 0.8 cvs branch. Older
drivers may go into the infamous ARM reset loop after

You must have mpg123 installed in your path.

Have fun!


The patch:
diff -u VDR-0.72/Makefile VDR-0.72+mp3/Makefile
--- VDR-0.72/Makefile	Sun Mar 11 12:36:15 2001
+++ VDR-0.72+mp3/Makefile	Sat Apr 21 17:06:21 2001

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