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[linux-dvb] Re: 16:9 first solution

Hi Ralph! and all others!

>You do not need to change the stream to do this.
>Just use the VIDEO_SET_FORMAT call to tell the driver the aspect ratio
>of the TV.

Thanks for the hint! I will try that when i get the new driver working
with a 2.4 Kernel. Up to  now i just recieve
Kernel(2.4.4) crashes soon after insmod or first use. 

But if this is controlable by software/the driver
there must be something like a default value in some register.
Since one rarely changes his TV-Set one could even Compile it in with
a new default Value. I tried to track down the VIDEO_SET_FORMAT call but
got lost somwhere in the outcom/mand functions. Could you tell me were one
could do that with the old driver?


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