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[linux-dvb] Re: Sound with SB-Live

> > If you follow the ac3-sound thread - that will be the solution soon for
> > ac3-carring channels, theoretically it should be possible to send normal
> > data the same way (with some modifications).
> iīm sorry but i donīt know what u mean??

No idea how much work is required for, but it should be possible to send the 
audio packets even for non-ac3 channels to (e.g. mpg123) instead of sending 
them to the card, possibly the sync will be gone then too.

> i did and it worked but the syncronisation was gone(mouthmovements and
> sound didnīt go together.

Yep, know that. I use the "latency" test-program out of the alsa-lib/test/ 
instead. Because you can adjust the minimal secure latency (by hacking the 
code) for your hardware.  I set the value to 4096, which still gives 
occasional sound drop outs... that is related to the linux-low-latency-patch 
discussion, although i would like to have KURT in the main-stream kernel 
instead ;-)

You can find 'my' code under
it compiles with
gcc -o rec2ac97 rec2ac97.c -lasound

To start/stop i use the following little script behind a KDE-Button:

if !( ps ux| grep "rec2ac97$" ) ; then
        killall rec2ac97&

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