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[linux-dvb] Re: Convert *.pva files to mpeg files

> I want to convert the "old" PVA Format to the MPEG2 format.
> Does there exist a LINUX-Proggy for this ?
as far as I can see not really :-)
You can use the mplex program from the DVB drivers but these will give you
often audio video syncing problems.

> I only have a WINDOWS-Proggy called: PVA2MPG
If it's the pva2mpg from TT it's just the same sync problem that mplex

Don't get me wrong the sync problem is already in the streams and and not
produces by mplex nor by pva2mpg. But both programs don't do anything
against the syncing problem.

You should try pvastrumento from which runs under windows and
does always 100% sync mpeg files.
As far as i know the author is working on a linux portation - but that will
still take some time...

hope it helps.


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