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[linux-dvb] PVAStrumento for Linux (was: Re: Convert *.pva files to mpeg files)

> You should try pvastrumento from which runs under windows
> does always 100% sync mpeg files.
> As far as i know the author is working on a linux portation - but that
> still take some time...

I contacted Wiljo Heinen (the author of PVAStrumento) a while ago and we
worked out a contract so that I would port PVAStrumento to Linux.
PVAStrumento would still be close-sourced but a working version is better
than nothing at all.

I started working on the port two weeks ago but I have halted this effort
for the time being. PVAStrumento is being developed using Microsoft Visual
C++. Wiljo never thought about  porting it to another operating system (no
offense meant, Wiljo ;-) The code has grown over the time and is barely
documented. Making the code compile on a Standard-C++ compiler would require
a complete re-write of large parts of PVAStrumento. Wiljo doesn't have time
to do that right now and I don't know enough about MPEG to do the job. But I
will try to learn more about MPEG and DVB program streams within the next
couple of weeks and I hope I will be able to come up with something usable

Now, please don't beg Wiljo about getting a copy of his code, too. Many of
you certainly know more about porting MSVC code to other operating systems
than I do but I don't think it's worth the effort. A clean new program that
does PVAStrumento's job in a portable fashion should be the way to go. Any
help on getting this job done is welcome ;-)


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