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[linux-dvb] Re: dtv teletext, UI

On 12 Jul 2001, at 17:39, Rolf Hakenes wrote:

> > is there a possibility to use another font for teletext, if possible
> > somthing straigth without serifes ? the current font is hard to read
> > since the osd shrinked.

> It would be possible, of course, but unfortunately the font is
> specified by the Teletext standard and contains many special
> characters used for graphics etc. Since now I haven't known about a
> font that would be better than the one I use.

i c. where is the font stored ? maybe we could replace at least the 
letters or edit them ?

> This is because the REAL
> problem is the resolution of the OSD, which is restricted to 440x376
> (that means a character has 11x15 pixels, which is not much on TV
> screens) with the current OSD memory limit of the driver. There was a
> discussion to enlarge this memory a few weeks before, but as OSD is
> not used at convergence at all, it seems to be no interest in
> supporting this for the DVB driver.

as i understand it this osd-mem-enlargement would add much problems 
while replaying with for example vdr - and at least i would not be 
happy about that (my eurosport recordings had no frame-dropouts at 
all and just a few - every 3-4 min. - audio dropouts).

another question (for the drivers developers) is if it could be 
possible to change the osd-mem-size dynamically - so one could 
enlarge the osd for vtx or big menus or mp3-player etc. (and get some 
distortions anyway) and shrink it back for normal viewing/playback 

> The only thing I can do (as long
> as you won't find a better VTX font) is to implement some
> anti-aliasing on the Teletext pages (or generate MPEG pages for VTX,
> which is on my wishlist right now, but I didn't find a suitable
> solution to implement that yet). 

yup - that mpeg-text thing would be a solution - but could it be fast 
enough ?!?

> > channel preview (menu):
> > could you reverse the channels list ?
> > most remotes got "+" above "-" and its hard to get used to pressing
> > the "upper" button to get "down", especially when switching between
> > vdr and dtv...
> >
> No problem at all, I will put an option to switch channel order on my
> TODO list for the next version.

thx, that would be nice.


thomas jagoditsch

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