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[linux-dvb] Re: vdr 0.85 patch: multispeed for fast/slow forward/rewind

On 29 Jul 2001 (Stefan Huelswitt) wrote:

there is a small annoyance with the trickmodes. If you return
from a trickmode to normal play, vdr doesn't continues at the
position which was last shown on screen. I think this is because
of vdr own buffering and the buffer on the card.

You can prove it, like this. Get a recording,
start replay, enter pause, show progressbar. Now start slow
rewind. You can see that at the beginning the displayed time
changes quickly. Now enter pause. You can see, that the time is
changing after you hit pause as the buffer is filled again.

The problem is that vdr trusts the virtual play position which
was send last to the buffer. And this position can be off by more
that 20 seconds (in trickmode where only iframes are displayed).

I made an effort to improve this. The patch below can only be
applied to multispeed patched vdr.

The code is experimental and I don't know if it breaks something
else. So be warned. Anway I would like to get some feedback,
how good it works for other (or if it works at all).

Stefan Huelswitt  |

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