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[linux-dvb] Re: using ffmpeg on /dev/video

Marcus thanks for the good news. realtime is exactly the speed i want.I'd 
accept it to be slower if it were better, but as i want to rescale to 352x288 
using mencoder isn't as good for me.especially the scaling takes a lot of 
time, that makes me wait 1 hour for 10 mins of video.
You said you checked a fix in. is it a fix for the dvb driver or for ffmpeg? 
where do i get it?
> I am not doing that, but it is possible. I was talking about recording
> a running program, but replaying an MPEG and recording it as divx
> should also work. It will never be faster than realtime, though.
> But realtime could be faster than doing the decoding, scaling and encoding
> by CPU depending on your CPU.
> Marcus

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