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[linux-dvb] Re: rtp windows clients?

At 00:48 06.12.2001 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi, which windows clients can decode the rtp stream coming from 
>dvb-stream? And which maybe compatible with a little bit of working around?
>Thanks a lot

Some weeks ago, I started an own project for DVBVideoLAN and now it's in 
beta status.
It's based on dvbstream on the server-side and the client runs on Win2k/XP 
(no other versions of windows tested). To do this, I wrote a DirectShow 
source filter which accepts the rtp packets, sorts them etc and passes them 
through to an mpeg2demuxer.

If someone is interested, i can put the actual version on the web.


>Giancarlo Baracchino
>student at Telecommunications Engineering, Pisa
>mobile: +39 338 2200917
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