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[linux-dvb] Any way to mux two PES streams/files to a PS stream?

Hello Folks,

I'm doing some work with a proprietary MPEG stream (TIVO - DirecTv). The PS 
stream or what ever you would like to call it is of proprietary nature but 
the PES stream is following the MPEG specs to some extent. 

I now have code in a early stage and it looks like it will be quite easy to 
extract two PES streams from the "TIVO-PS" stream. One audio (either AC3 or 
MPEG)  and one Video. I want to extact the PES stream since it will enable me 
to keep the PTS information so the final PS stream is in sync.

Now for what all I have seen in forms of Open Source muxers is muxers that 
only can mux ES streams or at least thats what a quick look tells me. Does 
anyone know of a way to mux PES streams? 

Cheers Olaf 

PS: Yes, I could naturally modify a OSS muxer to take to PES streams but I 
rather spend time coding on the extraction.

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