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[linux-dvb] Re: Skystar2 rev2.6B working... almost

Hi Augusto,

For the Samsung tuner, the master clock should be 88MHz.
Hmm, that is the default. Should be OK.
btw. There seems to be a quartz called "KONY 03-23 45.0000 KCH089B3" soldered to the card. Is that the origin of the XTAL_CLK signal?

If you don't get Viterbi, you should check the Spectral Inversion.
How do I do that? :) Maybe You could recomment some introductury text?

Note that the version of the Samsung NIM that B2C2 uses is custom made. The "normal" tuner is vertical mounted. The B2C2 version is horizontal mounted and there are couple of small changes related to the I2C.
Another important thing to note is that Samsung had two versions of the NIM. In one version(older) the VS (B4) had to be reset for > 1600000. In the current version, and the version that B2C2 uses, the VS bit is reset for > 1500000. I'm not sure what the LG NIM requires.
Where is that VS? Do You mean register 0xb4 in the stv0299 (according to spec it has only 0x34 registers)?

Sorry for all those questions...


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