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[linux-dvb] unknown-picture-type error


there are several postings about the Unknown-Picture-Type-Error on the
VDR-Mailinglist. But until now, there is no clean solution, only my
quick-and-dirty hack (see which bring back the old descriptorhandling to vdr.

The question now is, what do the maintainer of the driver think about that
problem. Where could it be located? Is it impossible a driver-related problem?

As I mentioned on the vdr-ML: since I work with the mentioned patch, I get
_no_ unknown picture type-error. Maybe this is helpful to point out the
problem in the driver code... It's really annoying.

FYI: The error occurs on single and multiple card system, it occurs with
older and newer driver's (some driver seem to be a little more stable, but not
enough ;-), it occurs only with vdr 1.1.28 and above (the patch simply bring
back the behaviour of vdr 1.1.27).


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