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[linux-dvb] Re: [PATCH] SS2 : Fix for OpenWholeBandWidth

Wolfgang Thiel wrote:

Despite this the packet_header checks around line 1858 are not endian-safe. Anyway, I believe they are not required - is it ok to
I have sent you a patch to this for both branches, but they seem to
have disappeared somewhere in your mailbox ;-)
Can you please send them again?

remove them and call the software demux callback unconditionally? The demux will discard non-matching packets anyway, a double-check just costs time...

I removed them, and it doesn't seem to work worse than before, perhaps,
even better. :-)

Doesn't this look suspicious as well:
if (pid <= 0x1F)
  return 1;
Return 1 usually means success, not failure.
In the kernel and libc code 'return 0' means success, values < 0 are error values, values > 0 return lengths or counts.

It would be nice to fix this handling, it usually makes it much to test and trace back problems if you get meaningfull error values like -EINVAL, -EBUSY, ... . And you can pass these values directly to userspace.

Take a look in linux/include/asm/errno.h for a list of the common error values.


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