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[linux-dvb] Re: "Video datastream broken" the legend continues ...

> On Friday 30 July 2004 17:40, Wolfgang Fritz wrote:
> > The simplest explanation would be a bad signal quality. Did you try this
> > test without VDR, for example with szap -i?
> yes, did this too .. there was no noticeable difference ...
> i do not think it is a bad signal problem, i haver never seen any value
> for BER or UNC .. they are always 0 or FFFF.. and nothing in between
> .. and there are no periodically artifacts on the screen, it stays black
> for ~200 ms and then the picture is back ..
> i know how bad signal looks like (from bad weather conditions ..)
> > When I do your test, I get some status changes during tuning, but
> > afterwards the status is stable. This holds for both tuning by VDR and
> > manual tuning with szap.
> have you tried with my szap utility?
> i tried today with my old setup (kernel 2.4.20, driver 1.1 .. )
> it shows the same status-changes as 2.6.7... maybe this fast checking
> is not intended by the hardware
> to the problem with the "first recording fails":
> i remember there was the syslogmessage
> "no usefull date seen in the first xx Mb" of the stream ....
> this does mean that there is data received, but it is out of sync or miss
> aligned ... maybe it would be a good idea for checking if the demux is
> an sync ... how can this be done?
> hermann

This also means there is no data.....


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