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[linuxtv-softmpeg] VDR "softmpeg" plugin for vdr 1.3.11, new "unichrome" DirectFB driver


I just commited a new version of the "softmpeg" plugin for VDR version >= 1.3.11

Due to the recent restructions of the OSD code inside VDR, older versions didn't cleanly compile against recent VDR development versions.

So if you're brave, take 1.3.11 and a recent CVS snapshot of the "softmpeg" plugin. Of course the current CVS won't compile against older versions of vdr now.

DirectFB has merged a revamped version of the "cle266" driver. Because it supports more than just the plain cle266, it has been named "unichrome".

For my cle266, "unichrome" just works as good as "cle266". So you can try and add "disable-module=cle266" to your /etc/directfbrc and see how the "unichrome" driver performs.

Speaking of /etc/directfbrc: Don't forget to set "pixelformat = AiRGB" and do a "export DFB_CLE266_UNDERLAY=1" on your shell if you want to see the OSD.


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