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[linuxtv-softmpeg] softmpeg/softdevice crashes with directfb-cvs on cle266

on my VIA Epia M-10000 the vdr softmpeg plugin (as well as the softdevice
plugin) crashes at startup and I don't have a clue what's wrong.
I use top cvs from today of viafb, directfb, DFB++ and libsoftmpeg.
viafb is loaded, fbset says:

mode "720x576-50"
    # D: 32.043 MHz, H: 31.049 kHz, V: 49.999 Hz
    geometry 720 576 720 576 16
    timings 31208 144 40 32 10 128 3
    bcast true
    accel true
    rgba 5/11,6/5,5/0,0/0

Nothing in syslog.
Could anyone please help me to get softmpeg running?
Thanks alot,
Matthias Huber

Some logs:

epia1 root # cat /etc/directfbrc
pixelformat = AiRGB

epia1 root # vdr -P softmpeg
[softmpeg] initializing Plugin
[softmpeg] cSoftMPEG
(*) DirectFB/Config: Parsing config file '/etc/directfbrc'.

       ---------------------- DirectFB v0.9.21 ---------------------
             (c) 2000-2002  convergence integrated media GmbH
             (c) 2002-2004  convergence GmbH

(*) DirectFB/Core: Single Application Core. (with MMX support) (2004-05-08
(*) Direct/Memcpy: Using MMXEXT optimized memcpy()
(*) DirectFB/Genefx: MMX detected and enabled
(!) Direct/Modules: ABI version of '' (23) does not
match 22!
(*) DirectFB/Graphics: MMX Software Rasterizer 0.6 (convergence integrated
media GmbH)
(!) DirectFB/FBDev: Specified mode (1x720) not supported or not defined in
(!) DirectFB/FBDev: Using default mode (720x576) instead!
 (!!!)  *** WARNING [no video mode set yet] *** [layers.c:536 in
(!) DirectFB/DirectFBCreate: Setting desktop buffer mode failed!
     -> No virtual resolution support or not enough memory?
        Falling back to system back buffer.
(!) DirectFB/DirectFBCreate: Setting system memory desktop back buffer
     -> Using front buffer only mode.
(!) DirectFB/core/layers: Could not initialize primary region config!
softmpeg.c <65>:
        (#) DirectFBError [dfb->GetDisplayLayer(dfb, DLID_PRIMARY,
&primarylayer)]: Not supported!
 (!!!)  *** WARNING [Application exited without deinitialization of
DirectFB!] *** [core.c:623 in dfb_core_deinit_check()]

epia1 root # dfbinfo
(*) DirectFB/Config: Parsing config file '/etc/directfbrc'.

       ---------------------- DirectFB v0.9.21 ---------------------
             (c) 2000-2002  convergence integrated media GmbH
             (c) 2002-2004  convergence GmbH

(*) DirectFB/Core: Single Application Core. (with MMX support) (2004-05-08
(*) Direct/Memcpy: Using MMXEXT optimized memcpy()
(*) DirectFB/Genefx: MMX detected and enabled
(!) Direct/Modules: ABI version of '' (23) does not
match 22!
(*) DirectFB/Graphics: MMX Software Rasterizer 0.6 (convergence integrated
media GmbH)
(!) DirectFB/FBDev: Specified mode (1x720) not supported or not defined in
(!) DirectFB/FBDev: Using default mode (720x576) instead!
 (!!!)  *** WARNING [no video mode set yet] *** [layers.c:536 in
(!) DirectFB/DirectFBCreate: Setting desktop buffer mode failed!
     -> No virtual resolution support or not enough memory?
        Falling back to system back buffer.
(!) DirectFB/DirectFBCreate: Setting system memory desktop back buffer
     -> Using front buffer only mode.

Screen (00) FBDev Primary Screen            (primary screen)

     Layer (00) FBDev Primary Layer             (primary layer)
        Type: GRAPHICS

epia1 root # vdr -P softdevice
[softdevice] processing args
[softdevice]   argv [0] = softdevice
[softdevice] initializing Plugin
[softdevice] Initializing Video Out
[dfb] init
(*) DirectFB/Config: Parsing config file '/etc/directfbrc'.

       ---------------------- DirectFB v0.9.21 ---------------------
             (c) 2000-2002  convergence integrated media GmbH
             (c) 2002-2004  convergence GmbH

(*) DirectFB/Core: Single Application Core. (with MMX support) (2004-05-08
(*) Direct/Memcpy: Using MMXEXT optimized memcpy()
(*) DirectFB/Genefx: MMX detected and enabled
(!) Direct/Modules: ABI version of '' (23) does not
match 22!
(*) DirectFB/Graphics: MMX Software Rasterizer 0.6 (convergence integrated
media GmbH)
(!) DirectFB/FBDev: Specified mode (1x720) not supported or not defined in
(!) DirectFB/FBDev: Using default mode (720x576) instead!
 (!!!)  *** WARNING [no video mode set yet] *** [layers.c:536 in
(!) DirectFB/DirectFBCreate: Setting desktop buffer mode failed!
     -> No virtual resolution support or not enough memory?
        Falling back to system back buffer.
(!) DirectFB/DirectFBCreate: Setting system memory desktop back buffer
     -> Using front buffer only mode.
 (!!!)  *** WARNING [no video mode set yet] *** [layers.c:536 in
[dfb] RAM: 16777216 bytes
[dfb] Accellerated Functions:
[dfb] Drawing Flags: none
[dfb] Surface Blitting Flags: none
[dfb] Supported video Modes are: 720x576@16 640x480@16 768x576@16 800x600@16
1024x768@16 1280x1024@16 1280x1024@16 1600x1200@16 640x400@16 400x300@16
320x240@16 320x200@16
[dfb] Setting  Videomode to 1280x1024-32
(!) DirectFB/core/layers: Could not initialize primary region config!
(!) [  956:    0.000] --> Caught signal 6 (sent by pid 956, uid 0) <--

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