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[vdr] Re: Hirarchical structure in recodings-menu

Tilo Renkl wrote:
> Hello list and a happy new year 2002,
> In these days I am recording all Captain Future series (40) with a daily
> timer into one
> subdirectory (Captain Future~). It works really great, but when viewing the
> recodings-menu I get 40 single entries, one for each recording, in the main
> recodings-menu.
> Is it possibe to view these recordings like a normal directory, e.g. like
> the
> recordings in MPlayer-menu ??

I'm already half way through implementing this, but haven't had time
to work on VDR over the holidays. It will be coming soon...


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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