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[vdr] Re: teletext for vdr

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gregor Molter" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 4:45 PM
Subject: [vdr] teletext for vdr

> Hi,
> I'm currently working on a solution to display teletext with vdr.
> But it seems that the osd can't handle big surfaces with a bpp depth of
> or more.
> It is a problem if you want some kind of big font size for the teletext.
> My next approach would be to build an mpeg2 video stream (exactly one
> I-Frame) to display the pages.
> Any other ideas?
> Mfg,
>         -Gregor

Peter Seyringer is already working on the 2nd approach. He has released the
first version a few months ago. Please look at the archives of this ML.


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