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[vdr] Re: What about an passive mode of VDR? Neuditschko)  03.05.02 13:05

Once upon a time Martin Neuditschko shaped the electrons to say...


>What about a mode where the DVB-driver is unloaded?
>I think to mute the output is not a good solution.

>- Channels quote with the number of spectotors to determine if the
>  film/serial is good or not, and if the driver is always loaded
>  the qoutes of "not really looked" channels increase.
>- The more severe reason is that if I look for example 6 hours
>  TV per day, but the driver is loaded always the lifetime of
>  the LNB and the DVB card would be decreased to 1/4.

There are DVB-API Calls to sent the DVB-boards to "sleep" 
and "deep sleep".
We had that issue approx. 4 (?) month ago.

When you find time to implement "turn all unused cards off"
i assume that a lot people would be very happy, including me ;-))

Each DVB Cards "eats" at least aprox. 10W, 24h a day.
4 Cards are 40W 
if one is recording+watching 12h a day, 35W*24 are wasted!
 840Wh 365 days makes 307 kWh/a year wasted(!)
with (only) 15c/kWh 45,99Euro a Year for nothing! 
3,83 Eur each month for nothing...

How many DVB-boards are running? 100.000 ?
That's lot of power wasted. over 300000 Euro each month.

Of cause the power down event saved a lot power already.
But not everybody can use it.

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