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[vdr] Re: A way to say VDR start with time 2hrs later? Jansen)  06.05.02 20:45

Once upon a time Axel Jansen shaped the electrons to say...

>my vdr starts everytime with the wrong time. 
>it's everytime exactly 2 hours behind the right time. 
>only if i change for some seconds to the channel (Das Erste) 
>(i set it as epg- time-channel) the time is correct... 
>but isn't theire a way to get the time from every channel
>or to say VDR start with time 2 hrs later?

It sound like you said linux that your RTC ("BIOS-Clock" "CMOS-Clock") 
is running on "GMT" but it has actually "local time"?

Maybe ask google how to setup right time zones.

There are too programms to set the CMOS-Clock to computers time
(requires root permission), so you can avoid that your computer 
"forgets" the right time "during" a reboot.

That's no problem of vdr. Have a look in the general purpose

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