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[vdr] Re: MP3/MPlayer extention 0.4.4 available

On 16 Jun 2002 "Gunnar Roth" <> wrote:

>> The primary dvb device will be blocked even if you reroutes the
>> output to your sound card. This is due to the internal handling
>> of vdr and I think it will involve major work to change this.
> I do know now ;-)
> but i dont think it will be a major change.
> i am thinking about an easy solution.
> maybe i will introduce a replayMP3Buffer in addition to the replayBuffer in
> cDVBApi.
> or i will check at StopReplay() if replayBuffer is the mp3 buffer and if
> StopReplay was called from StartRecord, mp3 playing will not be stopped.

I think this will not work. Every cPlaybuffer is tied to a cDvbApi
and all call from the controlling cReplayControl are routed
through cDvbApi. You would have to tied two different
cPlaybuffers to the same cDvbApi. This won't work. The same is
true for the menu handling, only one cReplayControl is allow a

>> There is a random song mode. Go to the browse menu and select
>> "Play all".
> uh i didnt know that. maybe i am too stupid or the naming is not that good.
> whatever, i rellay would like the album random mode. do you like to
> implement this? would be much easier for you than me, because you better
> know your code.  should be settable in the configuration how the random mode
> is executed.

The main problem would be to find out which files belong to an
album. OK, most people keep all files from an album in a
directory, but can we relay on this? And even if we assume this,
there is the problem that we cannot determine the tree structure
(which dir is an album and which is something else?).

The best solution seems to have kind of a album playlist (which
list all directories which contains an album). May be this would
mean that we need a third browsing mode, too (playlists, albums,

Stefan Huelswitt  |

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