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[vdr] Re: AW: Re: AW: VDR -> DVD

Am Die, 2002-06-18 um 11.44 schrieb Andreas Schultz:
> Hi,
> On Tuesday 18 June 2002 09:02, Bläser, Lars wrote:
> [...]
> > that does not mean that its impossible, philips is doing that with its
> of course, its doable. A good start would be some library routines that take 
> PCI/DSI structs as defined by libdvdread and convert them into the normal 
> binary layout of a NAV packet. That should actually be quite simple (almost 
> no effort at all). Next step would be to define the content of an IFO without 
> haveing to care about all the inter-relations in it. If you look closely at 
> libdvdread and the various dvd information, you will notice that a couple of 
> structures a reachable via multiple references. It would be a real pain in 
> the ass, if you had to care about getting all those references rigth 
> yourself.
> The rest should be easy. A live DVB stream could be cached in a fifo for upto 
> 120sec to get all the references right. .IFO's are relativly small compared 
> to the .VOB. One could simply construct the IFO in memory and write it out to 
> disk after the recoding has finished. Even the size of an IFO should be a 
> relativly linear function of recording time.
> > DVD+RW/+R video-recorder surely they hade to mumble a view spells before it
> > worked - but it shows that it is possible tested it myself with a DVD1000,
> > made a record and took the DVD+RW out, put it in my DVD player, all ok it´s
> > much more complicate then a iso cdr but i think up to end this year we will
> > see the first free stanalone dvd-authoring software - and after that the
> > transferplugin (copys a recording within the cutting marks to DVD +/- R/RW)
> > will be possible (still unsolved is the errorcorection of the streams, as
> > long as pvastrumento is closed-nonlinux code it makes things worse)
> I have to admit to not following the discussion about remuxing DVB recordings 
> for use on DVD's. Could you give an overview on why postprocessing via 
> pvainstrumento is needed? Sure, maximum size of PES packets on DVD is 2048, 
> but getting that right is almost trivial. The biggest problem i could see, is 
> keeping the datarate constant and within certain limits (a bit less than 
> 10Mbit/s). I not sure, but don't use DVB broadcasts usualy less than that?

It's between 3 and 4 MBit/s (depending on audiostreams included ...) and
HDTV which you can't use with a full-featured DVB-S is far away.
Deinterlacing would decrease picture-quality, so it shouldn't be done.
Only error-correction (are there checksums or cyclic codes in
DVB-specification?) remuxing and creating VOB/IFO structure are needed.


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