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[vdr] Re: Scipts to convert to divx ;-)

On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 04:26:40PM +0200, Andreas Lange wrote:

> most of the recordings I have converted so far had small black borders, 
> which
> can be cropped off with -vop crop=..... to get a better video quality with
> a given bitrate.
> To find out the right values -vop cropdetect is really useful, but I 
> don't know
> how to properly do that from a script.

I'll look at this, for me it's not a problem to run several scripts and
look at the output ;-)

> If you don't have a very high bitrate (to fit one movie on one cd) it is 
> usually
> better to scale ( -vop scale=... ) to a lower resolution to avoid blocky 
> compression artifacts, but
> you will have to decide for yourself what looks acceptable.
> Most tv productions (not real movies) are interlaced. They should be 
> deinterlaced
> before processing. I have used -vop pp -npp lb but there are other 
> deinterlacing
> methods, too ( -npp help ). I don't know if there is a way to 
> auto-detect in a script
> whether the video is interlaced.

I have seen this option, but I didn't understand it very well: I have to

> So in addition to the arguments in your command line you could use
> something in the form of
> -vop scale=640:480,crop=704:574:0:0,pp -npp lb
> But of course inserting the right settings automatically is too
> complicated for me ;-)

Great, I will play with it...

Thank you very much,

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