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[vdr] Re: Converting Files

Dieter Poesl wrote:

> Hello,
> i guess this will be a typical Newbie-Question, but I don't found the 
> solution by my own:
> I've downloaded some AVI-, DIVX- and MPEG-Files from Internet. If i 
> use mplayer in a X-Window or on framebuffer everything is ok. But if 
> want to view the files on the TV (mpegpes) I get Error-Messages about 
> resolutions, colorspace and something like that. How can I convert 
> these files to a format which can be shown on TV?
> Is there any script to automate this think?
> Thanks
>   Dieter
how do you start mplayer? Just commandline with -vo mpegpes -ao mpegpes ?
Then you will need something like -vop fame,expand for non-mpeg 1/2 files to
transcode them to an mpeg format the dvb card can decode.
Maybe DOCS/DVB included with mplayer has some useful hints for you.

The easiest way is usually the AIO patch with mplayer support. It starts
mplayer with the right options.


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