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[vdr] ANNOUNCEMENT : First #LinuxDVB reallive meeting

Almost one year ago a bunch of people interested in the Linux DVB driver 
and VDR held there first virtual come-together in cyberspace. 

The EFNet channel #LinuxDVB was born. 

To commemorate and celebrate our first year, we decided to meet in the 
real world. 
The event will take place on 17th and 18yh of August near Munich. 
The actual meeting place, agenda and other details are currently being 
worked out. 
Everybody interested in DVB under Linux is hereby invited to attend.

For those who which to attend on both day's, we try to organize and 
reserve rooms.

For comments, discussions and additions to the agenda reply to the 
mailinglist. If you like to participate and need a room, please contact me 
by pm.

I will continue to post the news about the meeting here on the ML


P.S kudos to RR for the text-help ...

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