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[vdr] Re: Does VDR prevent HDD from spindown?

> I installed noflushd which spins down the HDD after
> a specified timeout.
> On three of my PC's this works perfect.
> ... BUT ...
> my VDR Machine spins up again every 19(20) minutes.
> This only happens when VDR / runvdr script is running.
> Any ideas which processes/functions inside the VDR
> are scheduled to touch the HDD every 20 minutes ? is written while vdr is running. also the
var/log/messages file is accessed.

i solved this by installing a ram disk, and mounting
/var/log on it. then of course you have to restart the
syslogd. before shutdown i copy /var/log back to hd.
(just in case you need the files sometimes...).

you can start vdr with a parameter telling it to store somewhere else. in my case this is also

with this solution my hd goes to sleep for many hours.
BUT sometimes just wakes up only seconds after being
put to sleep. don.t ask me why. so i stopped putting
it to sleep because power on/off in short intervals
is not really good for the life time of hds.....

so its up to you .... :)

servus hannes!

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