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[vdr] Re: ANNOUNCE: EPG2vdr version 0.1

Ulrich Petri wrote:
> i just wrote a python script that reads EPG data from and puts
> them into vdr. At the moment it only supports DSF, but if there is any
> interest from you i will probably expand the script.

As explained in an earlier posting, I'd advise against using
in a way that may start a war with them.

If we write software that batch-downloads their schedule data without
any interactive use of their site, they will start counter-measures,
such as changing their layout, so it will be more difficult to parse.

I do not have time to fight such a war. 
I would hate to be forced to change epg2timers every week to follow
such format changes.
That would propably force me to stop the epg2timers project.

Please, Ulrich, do not get me wrong: Your idea is good. I like it.
But can you use a different web EPG for it?



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