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[vdr] Re: vdr / change MaxVideoFileSize > 2000MB

Rene Bartsch wrote:
> 2.) Syncing problems by A/V-differences. Many programs - like Mplayer -
> can't handle file-switching with PES correctly. So you have nice flashes
> and distortions when switching to next file ...


i am testing multifile support for Mplayer to handle 00x.vdr files.
It is rather easy to patch Mplayer (mostly stream.c code which read and
seek files). 
I know "cat *.vdr | mplayer " can do the trick but i would like to have
seeking and exact progress bar display.

I have to clean my tests before publishing something and I would like to
handle timeshifting as well.

If someone is interested ?

Patrick Gueneau

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