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[vdr] Re: timeshifting without a second DVB-board

Am Son, 2002-07-14 um 08.51 schrieb Rainer Hattenhauer:
> Hello,
> I found out that a simple timeshifting can be realised during an actual 
> recording by opening the *.vdr-file during recording simultaniously in the 
> mplayer. It seems that my hardware (Athlon 800, 512MB RAM, geforce2mx400) 
> isn't under high stress, xosview shows a CPU-load of approximately 40 %.
> Could someone tell me why, as a standard solution for timeshifting, the use of 
> a second (low budget) DVB-board is proposed (the low-budget DVB for 
> recording, the mpeg2-chip-board for viewing)  ? Is it because everybody wants 
> to use low end (i.e. old) PCs for use as a vdr-Box ?

The DVB-S can't handle getting a stream from the tuner and displaying
another at the same time. It's either a lack of performance of the card
or a bad firmware (the firmware-libraries are closed source of TI, so we
can't do anything).


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