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[vdr] Re: timeshifting without a second DVB-board

On Sun, 14 Jul 2002, Rainer Hattenhauer (RH) wrote:

RH> I  found  out  that  a  simple  timeshifting can be realised during an
RH> actual   recording   by   opening   the  *.vdr-file  during  recording
RH> simultaniously in the mplayer.

where does the output go? to the monitor?

RH> It seems that my hardware (Athlon 800, 512MB RAM, geforce2mx400) isn't
RH> under high stress, xosview shows a CPU-load of approximately 40 %.
RH> Could  someone  tell  me why, as a standard solution for timeshifting,
RH> the use of a second (low budget) DVB-board is proposed (the low-budget
RH> DVB  for  recording, the mpeg2-chip-board for viewing) ? Is it because
RH> everybody wants to use low end (i.e. old) PCs for use as a vdr-Box ?

I  think,  most of us want to see the output on the tv-out of the dvb card
and  not on the monitor. IIRC, the memory of the DVB card is not enough to
do recording and displaying of something different at the same time.

c ya
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                -- Mark Twain

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