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[vdr] Re: vdr2divx: error -No libavcodec codec specified! It'srequired!-

> Have you change the Media Sizes in the config file ?

I hope I did it right...

> Are you sure you did a clean check out of mencoder and installed divx4
> correct? I sometimes had strange behaviour with mencoder if i took an "old"
> cvs and just updated it - a fresh checkout helped ...

Mhm, mencoder seems to work. If I start it from commandline in 3 passes
all works just fine.

> What was the output size supposed to be ? 1CD ?

It was a file without DD, so I think 1CD.



Gernot A. Weber

Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff
on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it.

                              Linus Torvalds, after a hard drive crash

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