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[vdr] Re: Broken recordings (many mpeg errors and artifacts)

Mans Krancher wrote:
> Greetings,
> every recording made by vdr 1.0.4 is broken (mpeg artifacts, many
> errors, blocks). I've no idea what is wrong. I'm using Suse Linux 7.3, a
> Siemens DVB 1.3, Maxtor 80GB, and a Pentium1 200MHz with 64 megs ram.
> There is no problem watching a channel, the vdr runs hours without
> crashing oder decoding errors, but the recordings are all destroyed -
> absolutely unwatchable.
> The only possible explanations I could imagine would be a too slow CPU.
> But could this result in such errors?
> What reasons could it have? Thanx

You may want to check whether your hard disk has DMA enabled.

hdparm -d /dev/hda               to check

hdparm -d1 /dev/hda              to set DMA on


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