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[vdr] Re: Disk suggestions?

>From: "Steffen Koch" <>
>> >Option b.) would be nice, but I don't really believe that this will
>> It works... Tell the BIOS to set the disk to DOS/normal
This works with the most modern BIOSSES but some time they are trying to get parameters back
from disk and then the BIOS blocks. The only way around i found is to set the clip-jumper on the disk
or to set the clipping with a tool from ibm.
For Linux it's equal because the kernel tries to get the real diskparameters.
>From: "Rene Bartsch" <>
>> b) works. My BIOS (ASUS CUBX Rev. 1008-004) recognizes the 160 GB Maxtor
>> as 8 GB HDD. I just have the standard 64 MB '/boot'-partition, a 10 GB
>> root-partition, a 10 GB '/tftpboot'-partition to get rid of my clients
>> harddisk and a 129 GB-partition for storage (VDR, ...).
I have done this also with very old mainboards. I had to set a fake entry within the limit of the
BIOS and then my ASUS T2P4 works together with a 80GB Samsung HD. Also real quite.
On a MSI I810 MoBo i had to set the clipping to 32GB an then it works also.
>> But I didn't test that with Windoze ... :o)
Windows works to but only inside the limits. It's no problem to make a windows partition inside the limits
of your fake size if it is inside of the BIOS Limit. I'm using this partitions for rapid linux setup's. Is a little
bit faster than from CD. :-)
>Then I'm going to by one of these cheap and silent 160GB Maxtors.
>There's no need for Windoze to deal with it, because my VDR box is linux
>only. I just don't know about this possibility until now.

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