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[vdr] Re: DXR3 support patch for vdr-1.1.5

Markus Schorer wrote:
> hi,
> what i don't like about the situation is, that you have to configure
> your remote according to vdr. not vdr to your remote.
> (i know, i can change config.h to match other lircd names)
> i'm always changing lircd.conf, not config.h.
> for me the situation looks like this:
> - there are functions in vdr (vol+ vol- chan+ 1 3 2 record-now ...)
> - there are keys on a remote
> - what we need is a configurable way to assign keys to functions.
> - what we need is a way to handle "overlayed" keys and contexts 
>   in an obvious way (eg number-keys vs moving cutting-marks)
> this would _not_ mean to make everything configurable!
> if we would write down the menu structure with the active keys in the
> actual context and the "inherited" keys from parent contexts, we would
> have a rather obvious, yet manageable way to let everyone assign "his"
> keys to "his" remote.
> just my 2cent.

Just another idea:
I think many users ( me included ) don't know which functions are all available 
actually ( MP3, DVD, VDR, VideoCD, Cutting ).
So wouldn't it be nice to assign a key for showing a list of all available 
functions ( with the defined key for it ) ?
Then you get a help page and also you can reach all functions by just selecting 
the one you want from the list.

Helmut Auer,

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