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[vdr] Re: Finnish DVB-C problems solved

On Thu, 25 Jul 2002 21:57:49 +0300, "Lauri Pesonen"
<> said:
> Antti Lammi got his DVB-C card just recently and he got in touch with
> me 
> about finnish specific DVB issues. He finally got he's system running
> and 
> today via trial and error found out that the reason why it was so hard
> to 
> tune to the bouquets, was that the actual frequencies reported by HTV
> and 
> the network NIT were infact no precisely correct. According to Antti's 
> tests the the freq. for QAM_64 bouquets should be subtracted by
> 0.125MHz 
> (i.e. 125000) and the freq. for QAM_128 bouquets by 0.25MHz (250000). 
> After that everything worksl ike a charm. You can even get rid of the 
> 'fix' to the driver (mentioned above).


I have written here before also with QAM_128 modulation problems. I
tried to make them work again with this new information, but had no
success. My card is full featured Siemens DVB-C, which has never found
any of the QAM_128 bouquets. Do you know which card Antti has? Or can
anybody with Siemens card tune those bouquets in HTV network? 

Which version of dvb drivers do you use? I have experimented with
different QAM settings and used the patch you sent me some time ago,
but still no luck...


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