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[vdr] Re: Problems to make vdr with DVD=1 Keil)  23.08.02 13:08

Once upon a time Thomas Keil shaped the electrons to say...

>heko schrieb:

>>When i try to make vdr with DVD=1 VCD=1, i get some warnings (how can
>>i get this in a file?)
>You mean the output of the make command?

>One method is to mark the output with the mouse, open the editor of
>your choice and insert the marked text with the middle mouse button.

>Another method is to do "make > output.txt" which redirects all output
>of the command into a file called "output.txt".

Maybe a 

"make 2> errors.txt"

helps more to get the error messages?

To pipe stderr and stdout into a file, read the shell
manual, because that is very shell specific.


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