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[vdr] Re: memory leak? Fiala)  25.08.02 18:00

Once upon a time Guido Fiala shaped the electrons to say...

>> top shows me 0.8% of 383M = 3MB for the top vdr process.
>>>> Is that with the plain vanilla VDR, or with any patches?
>>>> I've never observed that here.
>>>With version 1.0.3 and single-cable-2-cards-patch.

>That was inaccurate - it does'nt decrease as far as it was before.

>top shows ~3800 for me too.
>But try
>ps aux

>-it will show a very large vm-size, for me 55672. What does that mean?
>It seems however, that it doesn't increase beyond 60MB, can it be,
>that the buffers of bdflush are assigned to vdr?

Here it's now (after 5h uptime)

msi:~# ps auxwww | grep "./vdr " | grep -v grep | cut -c22- | cut -d" " -f1,2,3,18-20
0.8 63156 3120 0:05
0.8 63156 3120 0:00
0.8 63156 3120 1:22
0.8 63156 3120 1:02
0.8 63156 3120 1:42
0.8 63156 3120 0:00

VSZ - virtual mem size
RSS - resident mem size

Starting a record:

msi:~# ps auxwww | grep "./vdr " | grep -v grep | cut -c22- | cut -d" " -f1,2,3,18-20 | sort -n | head -1
1.1 68596 4440  0:05 ./vdr

After stopping:

0.8 67252 3128  0:00 ./vdr

And it seems to stay that bigger!

1.1 72444 4232  0:00 ./vdr

0.8 71348 3168  0:00 ./vdr

Seems to be linear increasing! ;-)


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