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[vdr] Solved: ReiserFS & Broken Video Data Stream


for those of you, who suffer from regular (every 15 Min.) broken video
data streams (Buffer runs to 100%, Emergency Exit about 20 seconds
later) and use ReiserFS with SuSE 7.3 (or similar Linux):

As stated on the ReiserFS homepage, there are performance problems with
big files and ReiserFS's write-caching. They also said, the problem is
to be solved better with every new kernel. Though I upgraded to SuSE 8
(Kernel 2.4.18) and the recent DVB driver (dvb-20020927). Since then I
had no more broken video data stream...
Right now, my vdr 1.0.3 is recording on one DVB card with about 3% CPU
usage (0.2 CPU load). With the old kernel it would have been about
20-30% usage and a load of 1.3 respectively up to 5 when the ReiserFS
problems were causing the system to hang.


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