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[vdr] Re: How to setup a 2 card system (a full-featured and a low-budged card)

Benkesch Harry-Roy wrote:
> How to configure which card is first and which one is the second?

By putting them into the pc in correct order  :)
By this I mean the detection algorithm of pci-cards is somewhat black art,
usually the card closer to the cpu is detected first and is therefore 
'the first card'.

> And does it matter which one is first or second?
Not really, check your syslog to see which one of the cards was detected
first, that is your 'DVB 1' the other is 'DVB 2'

You then must set your primary dvb to be the full function card and
edit the channels.conf accordingly.
Naturally if you swap your card positions you need to fix your
configuration again.

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