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[vdr] Re: How to setup a 2 card system (a full-featured and a low-budged card)

Hi All,
@ Steffen

do u mean u changed the fifo vdr takes instructions from
in the source for VDR ?

it does interest me because i am using multimouse to emulate an x10 radio
remote controller on VDR
it creates two entreis in /dev/ ... /dev/mmuse for the daemon, and
/dev/x10.fifo, where the data received from the remote  by the daemon is
in this case did you modify lirc src or vdr src ?

++ MedMed

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steffen Barszus" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 11:22 AM
Subject: [vdr] Re: How to setup a 2 card system (a full-featured and a
low-budged card)

On Friday 04 October 2002 11:30, you wrote:

> And please, I need a hint for my remote!
> >Also, at the moment my lirc remoted doesn't work.
> >I get the message: /dev/lircd: Connection refused
> Thank you,
> Harry

I have had the same message. For me the connection was made other
So changin the lircd to provide this functionality other /dev/lircd is the
solution , or like I made it changin :

interface.c:  rcIo = new cRcIoLIRC("/dev/lircd");
interface.c:  rcIo = new cRcIoLIRC("/tmp/.lircd");

should work.



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