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[vdr] Re: vdr-1.1.12 Configuration of buttons on RC

Hi Klaus,

>There will be a macro function that allows you
>to assign, say "Start plugin MP3"to a key on 
>your RC.

An idea for the someday planned final final ;o) version:

You start VDR on a first level menu and then can select
what you want to do. I.e. starting VDR gives you a main
menu like say:

1. VDR
2. DVD
3. MP3
4. etc
5. etc

After selecting what you want to use, it switches to the appropriate
second-level menu (i.e. VDR, DVD, etc) controls. For VDR:

1.) Schedule
2.) Channels
3.) Setup VDR
4...... etc

Example DVD:
1.) Main Menu (DVD)
2.) Chapters
3.) Language
4.) Setup DVD
5...... etc

Further menus lead to deeper level menus (3rd, 4th, etc). Although
I don`t think a 4th or deeper level would ever be neccessary. 3rd
would be necessary for setting up the corresponding plugin. Or
one could make a AIO Setup Menu.

For the first and second level menus you could assign a key.conf 
(VDRkey.conf DVDkey.conf etc) That way users could assign the
keys the way they want to. Of course, things like Background TV
viewing while playing MP3 should be kept) Maybe a "Background
Select Menu" would be an idea for each second level menu (Of 
course, only what is sensible. I.e: watching TV in the background
while viewing a DVD doesn`t make much sense ;o))

Possible? Feasable? Just an idea.


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