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[vdr] Re: vdr-1.1.12 Configuration of buttons on RC

Am Dienstag, 8. Oktober 2002 14:33 schrieben Sie:
> sschmidt wrote:
> > >But before this whole key thread starts all over again, here's how I'm
> > >intending to do it:
> > >
> > >- there will be a whole set of new, dedicated keys, like "Pause",
> > > "Stop", "Channel+", "Channel-" and so on and so on...
> > >- all dedicated keys will work regardless whether there is currently a
> >
> > menu
> >
> > >  open or not (so "Channel+/-" will switch the channel even if you are
> > > in the "Timers" menu, for instance, or if a player is running; and
> > > "Pause" will
> > >  pause the currently running player even if you are browsing some file
> > >list)
> > >- when learning the remote control keys, the user can define all the
> > > keys the actual RC has, and simply skip the ones it doesn't.
> > >
> > >Again, of course, the basic operations as they are implemented for RCs
> >
> > with
> >
> > >only the basic keys will remain untouched. But then again, somebody who
> > >actually
> > >_has_ a "Pause" button should have no problem with the "Down" key
> > >performing
> > >pause, too. And if a particular player believes it has to use the "Down"
> > >button
> > >for a purpose other than "Pause", then it will have to implement it that
> > >way.
> > >However, that will mean that this player *requires* a dedicated "Pause"
> >
> > key
> >
> > >to work - whether or not that's a good idea is up to the programmer of
> >
> > that
> >
> > >player. VDR's own player will keep working with the smallest set of
> > > keys.
> > >
> > >Klaus
> >
> > Nice to hear. :-) And if they get a different keyname like d_mp3_play
> > (direct or dedicated_mp3_play) i'm happy with this solution. This will
> > also help for telnet controlled apps. I hope.
> I assume you will want to start the MP3 player plugin with that key.
> There will be a macro function that allows you to assign, say "Start plugin
> MP3" to a key on your RC.

No, I think what he wants to do is the following (like mine :-))   ):
He wants a separat set of functions keys (items in the lircd.conf) for each 
plugin! Only this allows you to control the different parts of vdr (with it's 
various plugins and addons) without disturbing/influencing the other parts or 
the core vdr-system!
When the buttons on a "full featured" RC reaches its limits, you can switch 
to a "Multi RC" like the "Aldi Thing" and define the buttons on the next 
"device" on the RC.
As an example (Regarding the Aldi RC): When I define my keys for vdr core an 
the device button "vcr", I can use (if ?nessecary?) the device button "cd" 
for controlling the mp3- plugin.
When it is possible to control the whole vdr (with its plugins) with "one" RC 
(via one device button) its ok. But having the choice is the most flexible 
solution for the future.
Controlling vdr with double and tripple featured buttons is ok for ppl with a 
"little" RC, but when you own a "big full featured" RC you want to access the 
system with the nativ associated buttons! 

Whats about a lircd.conf for each plugin? Or the mentioned preifx in the 
lircd.conf like this:
$PLUGIN-PAUSE 	41678974324865754


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