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[vdr] Re: vdr-1.1.12 Configuration of buttons on RC

Am Dienstag, 8. Oktober 2002 16:04 schrieben Sie:
> Hi Stefan, all
> BIG snip ;o)
> >Modifiying your source on my own without "your OK",
> >would lead into patching and integrating the modifcitations
> True, but if Klaus doesn`t want or really see the need to
> implement this (be it yet or at all), we will just have to accept
> this. Someday there will be a final "final VDR", after which there
> will most likely only be minor bug fixes. (Plugins will always
> continue to evolve). When this stage has been reached it should
> be possible to change the source to fit a single (or group maybe)
> users` specific wishes.

Sorry, I'm no hardcore programmer... but AFAIK it should be no problem (and 
will not cost to much time) to make these "button things" a little bit more 
I know we had a similar thread one or twice in the past.... and I remember it 
wasn't (not offending Klaus) a real technical problem, furthermore it's a
question of priorities.

> >in every new version you release.... and  you know that!

> Ouch,  Please be more sensible. We should be glad that Klaus
> is doing all the work he already is. After being on this list for
> only a short time, I can already see that Klaus is dedicating
> ALL of his free time to VDR. Let`s not push it too far above
> the limit. Name me a commercial software that receives this
> much error bugging and correctiung.

No Ouch! It's true! It makes no sense to initiate a "wild patch hype"
for such a thing like RC buttons. For the  case my words sounded to hard, I 
appologize. I only wanted to prevent the next "patch histery" for the new vdr 

> I, for my part, don`t want to see this project die (as I have seen
> other projects, do), just because people get to be too
> demanding.

I thought, it was a discussion. It's up to Klaus to decide, what he wants to 
integrate into vdr! We write suggestions, questions or feature 
requests......... no orders!


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