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[vdr] Re: ERROR: error in /video0/channels.conf, line 224

On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 12:18:59PM +0200, Andreas Schultz wrote:

> Could you please elaborate a bit more on what your problem with dvd-0.2 
> and sound is?

Yes, for sure: the sound is crappy (I have just tested with "Spaceball"
or "la folle histoire de l'univers"), in the sense that I have parasite
every few seconds, otherwise the menu navigation was perfect ;-)
In fact, only the fisrt 20 minutes have this problem???

I am using NEWSTRUCT, I don't know whether it would change or not

The same DVD was playing perfectly with mplayer (on xmga).

Thank you very much for this tremendous plugin :-))

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