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[vdr] Re: vdr-1.1.12 TransferMode strangeness


Klaus Schmidinger wrote:


> If you have only a single DVB card and start recording the channel you are
> currently watching, the PIDs for that recording will be set with DMX_PES_OTHER
> in order to allow you to switch the channel you are viewing live. After the recording
> has started, you now need a Transfer Mode to transfer the data from the DMX_PES_OTHER

I don't get it. Can't you leave the live pid filters as they are and 
just add the pid's to be recorded as DMX_PES_OTHER filters? You the 
could still change the live pid filters without having to touch the 
recording filter.

> setup to your live viewing. Once the timer has ended, we could, of course, end the
> transfer mode and switch back to live viewing, but that would cause a short
> interrupt in the viewed programme, and I guess that shouldn't be done. The transfer
> mode will end as soon as you switch to another channel.
> The thing is that you have to put the PIDs away from DMX_PES_AUDIO and DMX_PES_VIDEO
> when recording in order to be able to switch live channels.

sure, but you could add an additional filter for the same pid as 
DMX_PES_OTHER, or can't you?

Nevertheless, i can see that doing transfer whenever possible is a good 
thing when you want to build a live-stop function on top.


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